111. Which is not a MOSFET terminal?
(a) Gate
(b) Drain
(c) Source
(d) Base
112. The greater the propagation delay, the ________.
(a) lower the maximum frequency
(b) higher the maximum frequency
(c) maximum frequency is unaffected
(d) minimum frequency is unaffected
113. For a CMOS gate, which is the best speed-power product?
(a) 1.4 pJ
(b) 1.6 pJ
(c) 2.4 pJ
(d) 3.3 pJ
114. Which transistor element is used in CMOS logic?
(a) FET
(c) Bipolar
(d) Unijunction
115. In a TTL circuit, if an excessive number of load gate inputs are connected, ________.
(a) VOH(min) drops below VOH
(b) VOH drops below VOH(min)
(c) VOH exceeds VOH(min)
(d) VOH and VOH(min) are unaffected
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