Combinational Circuits – Exercise – 2

91. The addition of two signed numbers in the 2’s complement system can cause overflow. For overflow to occur both numbers must ________.

(a) be positive
(b) be negative
(c) have the same sign
(d) have opposite signs

Answer : (c)
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92. A Karnaugh map will ________.

(a) eliminate the need for tedious Boolean simplifications
(b) allow any circuit to be implemented with just AND and OR gates
(c) produce the simplest sum-of-products expression
(d) give an overall picture of how the signals flow through the logic circuit

Answer : (a)
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93. When grouping cells within a K-map, the cells must be combined in groups of ________.

(a) 2’s
(b) 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.
(c) 4’s
(d) 3’s

Answer : (b)
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94. Parity generators and checkers use ________ gates.

(a) exclusive-AND
(b) exclusive-OR/NOR
(c) exclusive-OR
(d) exclusive-NAND

Answer : (b)
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95. The output of a gate has an internal short; a current tracer will ________.

(a) identify the defective gate
(b) show whether the gate is shorted to Vcc or ground
(c) probably not be able to locate the problem
(d) be able to identify the defective load node

Answer : (a)
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