156. The memory operation that stores data into a memory location after entering a new address is called ________.
(a) a read cycle
(b) a write cycle
(c) a refresh cycle
(d) chip select
157. The memory operation that presents data on the memory outputs after entering a new address is called ________.
(a) a read cycle
(b) a write cycle
(c) a refresh cycle
(d) a chip select
158. Read-only memory is memory ________.
(a) that has unlimited storage capacity
(b) whose data can never be altered by the user
(c) that must be refreshed periodically or it will lose storage
(d) that maintains storage as long as power is applied
159. Dynamic memory is memory ________.
(a) that will maintain storage even if power is removed
(b) whose data can never be altered
(c) that must be refreshed periodically or it will lose storage
(d) that maintains storage as long as power is applied
160. The address space of a RAM memory can be expanded using a decoder and additional memory ICs. The output of the decoder should be connected to which input line of the memory?
(a) The most significant address inputs
(b) The most significant data inputs
(c) The read/write line
(d) The chip enable
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