31. For the noninverting amplifier, one of the most important advantages associated with using a JFET for control is the fact that it is ________ rather than ________ control.
(a) dc, ac
32. Calculate the value of VDS.
(a) –3 V
(b) 3 V
(c) –4 V
(d) 4 V
33. On the universal JFET bias curve, the vertical scale labeled ________ can, in itself, be used to find the solution to ________ configurations.
(a) m, fixed-bias
(b) M, fixed-bias
(c) M, voltage-bias
(d) m, voltage-bias
34. Through proper design, a ________ can be introduced that will affect the biasing level of a voltage-controlled JFET resistor.
(a) photodiode
(b) thermistor
(c) laser diode
(d) Zener diode
35. Calculate the value of RD.
(a) 2 k
(b) 3 k
(c) 3.5 k
(d) 4.13 k
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