DC Biasing FETs » Exercise – 1
1. Calculate the value of VDS.
(a) 0 V
(b) 8 V
(c) 4.75 V
(d) 16 V
2. For the FET, the relationship between the input and output quantities is ________ due to the ________ term in Shockley’s equation.
(a) nonlinear, cubed
(b) linear, proportional
3. Given the values of VDQ and IDQ for this circuit, determine the required values of RD and RS.
(a) 2 k, 2 k
(b) 1 k, 5.3 k
(c) 3.2 k, 400
(d) 2.5 k, 5.3 k
4. Determine the value of VDSQ.
(a) 3.5 V
(b) 4.86 V
(c) 7.14 V
(d) 10 V
5. Calculate the value of VDS.
(a) 0 V
(b) 0.35 V
(c) 3.8 V
(d) 33.5 V
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