149. A gated S-R flip-flop is in the hold condition whenever ________.
(a) the Gate Enable is HIGH (b) the Gate Enable is LOW (c) the S and R inputs are both LOW (d) the Gate Enable is HIGH and the S and R inputs are both LOW
Answer : (d)
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5555555555150. A gated S-R flip-flop goes into the CLEAR condition when ________. (a) S is HIGH; R is LOW; EN is HIGH (b) S is LOW; R is HIGH; EN is HIGH (c) S is LOW; R is HIGH; EN is LOW (d) S is HIGH; R is LOW; EN is LOW
555555555561. On a master-slave flip-flop, when is the master enabled? (a) when the gate is LOW (b) when the gate is HIGH (c) both of the above (d) neither of the above