Programmable Logic Devices – Exercise – 3

111. The ________ can generate any possible logic function of the input variables because it generates every possible AND product term.

(a) GAL
(b) SOP
(c) PROM
(d) LAB

Answer : (c)
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112. In a programmable logic device circuit diagram, the inputs to each of the OR gates are designated by ________.

(a) a dot
(b) a bus
(c) a single line
(d) 4 inputs

Answer : (c)
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113. The programming technologies that are used in FPGA devices include SRAM, flash, and antifuse, with ________ being the most common.

(a) SRAM
(b) flash
(c) antifuse
(d) SRAM and flash

Answer : (a)
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114. ________ is a mature technology consisting of numerous subfamilies that have been developed over many years of use.

(a) TTL
(b) CMOS
(c) ECL
(d) None of the above

Answer : (a)
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115. Most complex digital designs include ________.

(a) standard logic devices
(b) ASIC devices
(c) microprocessor/DSP devices
(d) a mix of different hardware categories

Answer : (d)
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