111. The ________ can generate any possible logic function of the input variables because it generates every possible AND product term.
(a) GAL
(b) SOP
(c) PROM
(d) LAB
112. In a programmable logic device circuit diagram, the inputs to each of the OR gates are designated by ________.
(a) a dot
(b) a bus
(c) a single line
(d) 4 inputs
113. The programming technologies that are used in FPGA devices include SRAM, flash, and antifuse, with ________ being the most common.
(a) SRAM
(b) flash
(c) antifuse
(d) SRAM and flash
114. ________ is a mature technology consisting of numerous subfamilies that have been developed over many years of use.
(a) TTL
(b) CMOS
(c) ECL
(d) None of the above
115. Most complex digital designs include ________.
(a) standard logic devices
(b) ASIC devices
(c) microprocessor/DSP devices
(d) a mix of different hardware categories
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