Memory Devices » Exercise – 1
1. What characteristic of RAM memory makes it not suitable for permanent storage ?
(a) Too slow
(b) Unreliable
(c) It is volatile
(d) Too bulky
2. The EPROM eraser will emit ……… light.
(a) Fluorescent
(b) LED
(c) Laser
(d) UV
3. Which of the following memories normally has highest storage capacity :
(a) Core memory
(b) Semiconductor memory
(c) Magnetic taps
(d) Magnetic disc
4. The contents of these chips are lost when the computer is switched off ?
(a) ROM chips
(b) RAM chips
(c) DRAM chips
(d) none of above
5. What are responsible for storing permanent data and instructions ?
(a) RAM chips
(b) ROM chips
(c) DRAM chips
(d) None of above
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