Flip-Flops » Exercise - 120. The master slave JK flip-flop is effectively a combination of : (a) an SR flip-flop and a D flip-flop (b) an SR flip-flop and a T flip-flop (c) a T flip-flop and a D flip-flop (d) two T flip-flops
Flip-Flops » Exercise - 119. When an inverter is placed between both inputs of an SR flip-flop, then resulting flip-flop is : (a) JK flip flop (b) D flip flop (c) T flip flop (d) Master slave JK flip flop
5555555555147. When the output of the NOR gate S-R flip-flop is Q = 0 and , the inputs are: (a) S = 1, R = 1 (b) S = 1, R = 0 (c) S = 0, R = 1 (d) S = 0, R = 0
5555555555139. The inputs on a 7474 D flip-flop are S, R, D, and CLK ________ is/are synchronous. (a) Only S (b) S and R (c) Only D (d) All of the above.