Combinational Circuits – Exercise – 5

236. In a BCD-to-seven-segment converter, why must a code converter be utilized?

(a) to convert the 4-bit BCD into 7-bit code
(b) to convert the 4-bit BCD into 10-bit code
(c) to convert the 4-bit BCD into Gray code
(d) No conversion is necessary.

Answer : (a)
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237. When two or more inputs are active simultaneously, the process is called:

(a) first-in, first-out processing
(b) priority encoding
(c) ripple blanking
(d) first-in, first-out processing or priority encoding

Answer : (b)
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238. How is an encoder different from a decoder?

(a) The output of an encoder is a binary code for 1-of-N input.
(b) The output of a decoder

Answer : (a)
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239. How many possible outputs would a decoder have with a 6-bit binary input?

(a) 16
(b) 32
(c) 64
(d) 128

Answer : (c)
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240. A circuit that responds to a specific set of signals to produce a related digital signal output is called a(n):

(a) BCD matrix
(b) display driver
(c) encoder
(d) decoder

Answer : (c)
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