Sentence Correction – Exercise – 2

96. Their earnings are such that they find it difficult to make both ends to meet.

(a) to makings both ends meet
(b) to make both ends for meeting
(c) to make both ends meet
(d) for making both ends to meet

Answer : (c)
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97. They should have calmly thought of the advantages that would accrue to them.

(a) should have been calm in thinking about
(b) should be calmly thought of
(c) shall have to calmly thought of
(d) No improvement

Answer : (d)
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98. Why should the candidates be afraid of English Language is not clear.

(a) the candidates should be
(b) do the candidates be
(c) should be the candidates
(d) are the candidates

Answer : (a)
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99. He hesitated to listen to what his brother was saying.

(a) listened to hesitate
(b) hesitated listen to
(c) hesitates to listening
(d) No improvement

Answer : (d)
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100. The easiest of the thing to do is to ask the address to the postman.

(a) of the things to do
(b) among the things did
(c) of the thing to be done
(d) of all the things done

Answer : (a)
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