16. While plotting the V-I characteristics of semiconductor diode, the voltage is plotted along horizontal axis and the current along the vertical axis because :
(a)The voltage and currents are independent variables (b)The voltage and currents are dependent variable (c)The voltage is dependent and the current is independent variable (d)The voltage and the current are dependent variables
Answer : (d)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
19. Drift current in the semiconductors depends upon :
(a)only the electric field (b)only the carrier concentration gradient (c)both the electric field and the carrier concentration (d)both the electric field and the carrier concentration gradient
Answer : (c)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Semiconductor Materials » Exercise - 16. In a semiconductor, the total current is equal to : (a) sum of electron and hole currents flow in same direction (b) sum of electron and hole currents flow in opposite directions (c) electron current only (d) hole current only
Semiconductor Materials » Exercise - 132. In a semiconductor, the total current is equal to : (a) Sum of electron and hole currents flow in same direction (b) Sum of electron and hole currents flow in opposite directions (c) Electron current only (d) Hole current only
Semiconductor Materials » Exercise - 126. Recombination of electrons and holes takes place when : (a) An electron falls into a hole (b) A positive ion and a negative ion bond together (c) Avalanche electron becomes a conduction electron (d) An atom is formed
Semiconductor Materials » Exercise - 136. In intrinsic semiconductor : (a) The electron density is twice the hole density (b) The electron density is thrice the hole density (c) The electron density is square root of the hole density (d) The electron density is same as the hole density