Power Semiconductor Devices – Exercise – 1

21. The intrinsic stand off ratio (η) of a UJT is given by ……………..

(a) RB1+RB2
(b) (RB1+RB2)/RB1
(c) RB1/(RB1+RB2)
(d) ( RB1+RB2)/RB2

Answer : (c)
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22. When the temperature increases, the intrinsic stand off ratio ……………..

(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) essentially remains the same
(d) none of the above

Answer : (c)
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23. Between the peak point and the valley point of UJT emitter characteristics we have ………… region.

(a) saturation
(b) negative resistance
(c) cut-off
(d) none of the above

Answer : (b)
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24. A diac is turned on by ………………….

(a) breakover voltage
(b) gate voltage
(c) gate current
(d) none of the above

Answer : (b)
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25. The device that exhibits negative resistance region is ……………………

(a) diac
(b) triac
(c) transistor
(d) UJT

Answer : (d)
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