195. The common-mode rejection ratio (CMMR) is the ratio of _____ to ______.
(a) the differential voltage gain, the common-mode voltage gain (b) the differential power gain, the common-mode power gain (c) the ideal voltage gain, the actual voltage gain (d) signal voltage, noise voltage
Answer : (a)
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Operational Amplifier » Exercise - 131. The common-mode voltage gain is .... (a) smaller than differential voltage gain (b) equal to differential voltage gain (c) greater than differential voltage gain (d) none of the above
Tags: gain, voltage, differential, operational, amplifier, fundamentals, common-mode, electronics, engineering
5555555555148. The common-mode voltage gain is (a) smaller than differential voltage gain (b) equal to voltage gain (c) greater than differential voltage gain (d) None of the above
Tags: voltage, gain, differential, operational, amplifier, fundamentals, common-mode, electronics, engineering
5555555555106. What is the difference voltage if the inputs are an ideal in-phase signal? (a) The differential gain times twice the input signal. (b) The differential gain times the input signal. (c) The common-mode gain times twice the input signal. (d) The common-mode gain times the input signal.
5555555555145. A differential amplifier has a common-mode gain of 0.2 and a common-mode rejection ratio of 3250. What would the output voltage be if the single-ended input voltage was 7 mV rms? (a) 1.4 mV rms (b) 650 mV rms (c) 4.55 V rms (d) 0.455 V rms