86. Save as dialog can be used :
(a) for saving the file for the first time
(b) to save file by some alternative name
(c) to save file in format other than Word
(d) Any of the above
87. One/More statements(s) of the following is(are) incorrect :
(a) A red wavy line under a word indicates that either the word is not found in the Word’s dictionary or it’s (typed word) spelling is wrong.
(b) A green wavy line under a word indicates that there is some grammatical problem in that word or sentence.
(c) The shortcut menu which comes when user right clicks on the word with underline has correct option for the spelling or grammatical changes with an option for ignore also.
(d) A yellow wavy line under a word indicates that word has both spelling and grammatical error.
88. It is the way text appears on a page. It is :
(a) Format
(b) Font
(c) Form letter
(d) Form
89. Outlook Express is a ………… ?
(a) E-mail Client
(b) Scheduler
(c) Address Book
(d) All the above
90. To standout a word, what option can be used ?
(a) Standout
(b) Delete
(c) Print
(d) Bold
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