Logic Gates – Exercise – 4

171. Nota

172. For a three-input NOR gate, with the input waveforms as shown below, which output waveform is correct?

(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d

Answer : (a)
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173. Which logic gate does this truth table describe?

(a) AND
(b) OR
(c) NAND
(d) NOR

Answer : (d)
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174. A NOR gate with one HIGH input and one LOW input:

(a) will output a HIGH
(b) functions as an AND
(c) will not function
(d) will output a LOW

Answer : (d)
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175. An OR gate with inverted inputs functions as:

(a) an AND gate.
(b) a NAND gate.
(c) a NOR gate.
(d) an inverter.

Answer : (b)
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