31. Totem-pole outputs ________ be connected ________ because ________.
(a) can, in parallel, sometimes higher current is required
(b) cannot, together, if the outputs are in opposite states excessively high currents can damage one or both devices
(c) should, in series, certain applications may require higher output voltage
(d) can, together, together they can handle larger load currents and higher output voltages
32. What should be done with unused inputs to a TTL NAND gate?
(a) let them float
(b) tie them LOW
33. Assume that a particular IC has a supply voltage (Vcc) equal to +5 V and ICCH = 10 mA and ICCL = 23 mA. What is the power dissipation for the chip?
(a) 50 mW
(b) 82.5 mW
(c) 115 mW
(d) 165 mW
34. Why is a pull-up resistor needed for an open collector gate?
(a) to provide Vcc for the IC
(b) to provide ground for the IC
(c) to provide the HIGH voltage
(d) to provide the LOW voltage
35. Why is a decoupling capacitor needed for TTL ICs and where should it be connected?
(a) to block dc, connect to input pins
(b) to reduce noise, connect to input pins
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