6. Why must CMOS devices be handled with care?
(a) so they don’t get dirty
(b) because they break easily
(c) because they can be damaged
7. Which of the following logic families has the shortest propagation delay?
(a) CMOS
(b) BiCMOS
(c) ECL
(d) 74SXX
8. What should be done to unused inputs on TTL gates?
(a) They should be left disconnected so as not to produce a load on any of the other circuits and to minimize power loading on the voltage source.
9. What is unique about TTL devices such as the 74SXX?
(a) These devices use Schottky transistors and diodes to prevent them from going into saturation; this results in faster turn-on and turn-off times, which translates into higher frequency operation.
(b) The gate transistors are silicon (S), and the gates therefore have lower values of leakage current.
(c) The S denotes the fact that a single gate is present in the IC rather than the usual package of 2–6 gates.
(d) The S denotes a slow version of the device, which is a consequence of its higher power rating.
10. Which of the following summarizes the important features of emitter-coupled logic (ECL)?
(a) low noise margin, low output voltage swing, negative voltage operation, fast, and high power consumption
(b) good noise immunity, negative logic, high-frequency capability, low power dissipation, and short propagation time
(c) low propagation time, high-frequency response, low power consumption, and high output voltage swings
(d) poor noise immunity, positive supply voltage operation, good low-frequency operation, and low power
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555555555510. Which of the following summarizes the important features of emitter-coupled logic (ECL)? (a) low noise margin, low output voltage swing, negative voltage operation, fast, and high power consumption (b) good noise immunity, negative logic, high-frequency capability, low power dissipation, and short propagation time (c) low propagation time, high-frequency response, low power consumption, and high output voltage swings (d) poor noise immunity, positive supply voltage operation, good low-frequency operation, and low power
555555555568. Which of the following summarizes the important features of ECL? (a) Low noise margin, low output voltage swing, negative voltage operation, fast, and high power consumption (b) Good noise immunity, negative logic, high frequency capability, low power dissipation, and short propagation time (c) Slow propagation time, high frequency response, low power consumption, and high output voltage swings (d) Poor noise immunity, positive supply voltage operation, good low frequency operation, and low power