46. What is the standard TTL noise margin?
(a) 5.0 V
(b) 0.0 V
(c) 0.8 V
(d) 0.4 V
47. What is the range of invalid TTL output voltage?
(a) 0.0–0.4 V
(b) 0.4–2.4 V
(c) 2.4–5.0 V
(d) 0.0–5.0 V
48. From the following specifications determine the fan-out for the logic family.
(a) HIGH state is 16, LOW state is 8
(b) HIGH state is 8, LOW state is 16
(c) HIGH state is 4, LOW state is 8
(d) HIGH state is 8, LOW state is 4
49. The rise time (tr) is the time it takes for a pulse to rise from its ________ point up to its ________ point. The fall time (tf) is the length of time it takes to fall from the ________ to the ________ point.
(a) 10%, 90%, 90%, 10%
(b) 90%, 10%, 10%, 90%
(c) 20%, 80%, 80%, 20%
(d) 10%, 70.7%, 70.7%, 10%
50. Why are the maximum value of VOL and the minimum value of VOH used to determine the noise margin rather than the typical values for these parameters?
(a) These are worst-case conditions.
(b) These are normal conditions.
(c) These are best-case conditions.
(d) It doesn’t matter what values are used.
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