Important Inventions and Discoveries [PDF] – GK Notes

General Knowledge » GK Notes » Inventions and Discoveries


 Inventions and Discoveries  – Hello Friends, Nowadays in almost all government and non-government competitive examinations General Knowledge (GK) related questions are being asked. Here, We have collected important topics related to General Knowledge (GK) which have been asked in various competitive exams like Bank, SSC, Railway, UPSC.

Must Read : 1000+ GK Tricks (जीके ट्रिक्स)

Here we are providing you a list of Inventions and Discoveries. Question related to Inventions and Discoveries are generally asked in various competitive examinations. Please check below given list of Inventions and Discoveries, It will surely help you to score more in your competitive examination.

A : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Adding Machine Blaise Pascal
Adhesive Tape Richard G. Drew
Aeroplane Wright Brothers
Air Brake George Westinghouse
Air Conditioner Willis Carrier
Air Pump Otto Von Guericke
Airplane Wilber and orville Wright (Wright Brothers)
Airship (Rigid) G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
Ammeter Friedrich Dexler
Anemometer Battista
Aniline Dyes Hoffman
Animation Emile Reynaud
Anthrax Vaccine Louis Pasteur
Antiseptic Dr. Joseph Lister
Antiseptic Surgery Lord Joseph Lister
Apple Computers Steve Jobs
Arc Lamp C. F. Brush
Archimedean Screw Archimedes
Argon William Ramsay & Baron Ray Leigh
Artificial Heart Paul Winchell
Aspirin Dr. Felix Hoffman
Atom Neils Bohr
Atom Bomb J Robert Oppenheimer
Atomic Number Mosley
Atomic Physics Enrico Fermi
Atomic Structure Bohr and Rutherford
Atomic theory Dalton
Automatic Calculator Wilhelm Schickard
Automatic Gearbox Hermann Fottinger
Automobiles Using Gasoline Karl Benz
Avogadro’s Hypothesis Avogadro

B : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Bacteria Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
Bacteriology Robert Koch
Bacteriophage Max Delbruck
Bakelite Leo Hendrik Baekeland
Ball Point Pen John J. Loud
Balloon Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier
Band Aid Earle Dickson
Barbed Wire Joseph F. Glidden
Barometer Evangelists Torricelli
Battery Alessandro Volta
Behaviorism John B. Watson
Beri – Beri Eijkman
Bicycle Kirkpatrick Macmillan
Bicycle Tyre John Boyd Dunlop
Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin
Binomial Nomenclature Carl Linnaeus
Biogenetic Principle Ernst Haeckel
Bismuth Valentine
Blood Circulation Harvey
Blood Groups Karl Landsteiner
Bomb Edward Teller
Boson S.N.Bose
Boyle’s Law Boyle
Braille Louis Braille
Breaking Up the Nucleus of an Atom Rutherford
Bullet Claude Minie
Burglar Alarm Edwin T. Holmes

C : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

C Programming Dennis Ritchie
Cadmium Friedrich Stromeyer
Calculating Machine Pascal
Calculator Blaise Pascal
Camera Johann Zahn
Car (Petrol) Karl Benz
Car (Steam) Nicolas Cugnot
Car Radio William Lear & Elmer Wavering
Carburetor Gottlieb Daimler
Carburettor Gottlieb Daimler
Cash Register William Burroughs
Cash Register James Ritty
Cassette (Videotape) Sony
Cell Doctrine Rudolf Virchow
Cellophane I.E. Brandenberger
Celluloid Alexander Parkes
Cement Joseph Aspdin
Cenema A.L. and J.L. Lumiere
Centigrade Scale anders Celsius
Chemical Structure August Kekule
Chemotherapy Paul Ehrlich
Child Development Jean Piaget
Chlorine Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Chloroform Samuel Guthrie
Cholera Bacillus Robert Koch
Cholera Vaccine Waldemar Haffkine
Chromosomal theory of Heredity Thomas Hunt Morgan
Chronometer John Harrison
Cine Camera William Friese-Greene
Cinema Nicolas & Jean Lumiere
Cinematograph Thomas Alva Edison
Circulation of Blood William Harvey
Clarinet Johann Christoph Denner
Classical Field theory Michael Faraday
Clock (Mechanical) Hsing and Ling-Tsan
Clock (Pendulum) C. Hugyens
Coloured Photography Lippman
Compact Disc Sinclair
Computer Charles Babbage
Computer (Laptop) Rca
Computer Architecture/Stored Program John Von Neumann
Continental Drift Alfred Wegener
Cosmic Rays R.A.Millikan
Crescograph Jagdish Chandra Bose
Crystal Dynamics C.V.Raman
Cyclotron Lawrence

D : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

D.D.T. Dr.Paul Muller
Davy Lamp Humphrey Davy
Deciphering the Genetic Code Dr.Hargobiad Khorana
Dental Plate Anthony A.Plantson
Deuterium (Heavy Water) H.C.Urey
Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel
Diesel Oil Engine Rudolf Diesel
Difference Engine Charles Babbage
Disc Brake Dr. F. Lanchester
Drinker’s Chamber of Iron Lung Dr.Philip Drinker
Dynamical theory of Heat Lord Kelvin
Dynamite Alfred B. Nobel
Dynamo Hypolite Pixii

E : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Effect of Pressure on Trough Bodies Meghnad Saha
Eightfold Way Murray Gell-Mann
Electric Battery Alessandro Volta
Electric Bulb Thomas Edison
Electric Fan Wheeler
Electric Flat Iron H. W. Seeley
Electric Furnace William Siemens
Electric Generator Michael Faraday
Electric Guitar Adolph Rickenbacker
Electric Iron H.W. Seeley
Electric Lamp Thomas Alva Edison
Electric Measurement Gauss
Electric Motor (Ac) Nikola Tesla
Electric Motor (Dc) Zenobe Gramme
Electric Razor Jacob Schick
Electric Stove/Cooker William S. Hadaway
Electrical Waves Heitz
Electricity Benjamin Franklin
Electromagnet William Sturgeon
Electromagnetic Field James Clerk Maxwell
Electromagnetic induction Michael Faraday
Electromagnetic theory Maxwell
Electromagnetic theory of Light & Electromagnetic Waves Heinrich Rudolph Hertz
Electron Joseph J. Thomson
Electron theory Bohr
Electronic Calculator Ibm
Electronic Computer Dr. Alan M. Turing
Electrons J.J. Thomson
Electroscope Jean Nollet
Elevator Elisha G. Otis
Elevator Elisha G. Otis
Email Shiva Ayyadurai
Energy of the Sun Hans Bethe
Equal Sign (=) Robert Recorde
Ethology Konrad Lorenz
Eugenics Francis Galton
Evolutionary theory Ernst Mayr

F : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Facebook Mark Zuckerberg
Fahrenheit Scale Fahrenheit
Film & Photographic Goods Kodak
Film (Musical) Warner Bros
Film (Talking) Warner Bros
Film (With Sound) Dr. Lee De forest
First Modern Motor Car Karl Benz
Fluorine Ferdinand Frederick Henri Moissan
Foundations of Biology Jean Baptiste Lamarck
Foundations of Mathematics Euclid
Founding of Modern Physiology Claude Bernard
Founding of Psychology Wilhelm Wundt
Fountain Pen Lewis Edson Waterman
Fundamental Laws of Electric Attraction Coulomb

G : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Galvanometer andre-Marie Ampere
Gas Lighting William Murdoch
Gasoline Engine Karl Benz
Generator Piciontti
Genetic Code Frederick Sanger
Geometry Euclid
Germ theory of Disease Louis Pasteur
Glider Sir George Caley
Google Larry Page
Gramophone Thomas Alva Edison
Gravity Sir Isaac Newton
Gravity & Reflecting Telescope Isaac Newton
Green House Gases Joseph Furier
Guillotin Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin
Gun Powder Rogei Bacon
Gyrocompass Elmer A. Sperry

H : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Heavens William Herschel
Heavy Hydrogen Urey
Helicopter Igor Sikorsky
Heliocentric Universe Nicolaus Copernicus
Helium William Ramsay
Helium Gas Lockyer
Hepatitis B Vaccine Pablo Dt Valenzuela
Hepatitis B Virus Baruch Blumberg
Hiv Luc Montagnier
Homoeopathy Hahnemann
Hot Air Balloon Josef & Etienne Montgolfier
Hovercraft Christopher Cockerell
Human Sexuality Alfred Kinsey
Hydrogen Cavendish
Hydrogen Bomb Edward Teller
Hydrophobia Louis Pasteur

I : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

I.Q. Test Alfred Binet
Number theory Ramanujam
Incandescent Bulb Edison
Induction Coil Rohm Korff
Induction of Electric Current Faraday
Insulin Frederick Banting and J J R Macleod
Intelligence Test Binet
Internal Combustion Engine Otto
Internet Vint Cerf
IP Address Robert E. Kahn

J : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Java Computing Language James Gosling
Jeans Levi Strauss
Jet Engine Sir Frank Whittle
Jet Propulsion Frank Whittle

K : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Kala-Azar Fever U.N.Brahmachari
Kaleidoscope David Brewster

L : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Laboratory Gas Burner Robert Wilhelm Von Bunsen
Language Ted Hoff,Federico Faggin,and Stan Mazor
Laser Dr. Charles H. Townes
Laughing Gas Priestley
Law of Electrolysis Faraday
Law of Gases Gay Lussac
Laws of Electrical Resistance Ohm
Laws of Gravitation Newton
Laws of Heredity Gregory Mandel
Laws of inheritance Gregor Mendel
Laws of Motion Newton
Laws of Multiple Proportion Dalton
Laws of Natural Selections Darwin
Laws of Planetary Motion Kepler
Life Boat Henry Great Head
Lift E.G. Otis
Lift (Elevators) Otis
Light Bulb Heinrich Goebel
Lightning Conductor Benjamin Franklin
Line of Demarcation (Ship) Plimsoll
Linotype Mergenthaler
Liquid Oxygen Dewar
Locomotive Richard Trevithick
Logarithmic Tables John Napier
Loud Speaker Chester W. Rice and Edward W. Kellogg

M : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Machine Gun Dr. Richard Gatling
Magnetic Tape Fritz Pfluemer
Malarial Parasite Ronald Ross
Match (Safety) J.E. Lurdstrom
Mathematical Astro Physics Chandrasekhar
Mathematical Genius Carl Gauss (Karl Friedrich Gauss)
Mauve Dye Perkin
Measurement of Electrical Energy Joule, James Prescoft
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Joules
Mercury thermometer Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
Meson Hideki Yakawa
Micro Processor Federico Faggin
Microchip or integrated Circuit Robert Noyce
Microphone Alexander Graham Bell
Microprocessors Jerry Yang and David Filo
Microscope Hans Lippershey, Zacharias Janssen
Microscope (Electron) Vladimir Kosme Sworykin
Microscopic Anatomy Marcello Malpighi
Microsoft Bill Gates and Paul Allen
Microwave Oven Percy Spencer
Milling Machine & Cotton Gin Eli Whitney
Modern Anthropology Franz Boas
Modern Astronomy Arthur Eddington
Modern Computer John Von Neumann
Modern Geology Charles Lyell
Modern Physiology William Bayliss
Modern Synthesis theodosius Dobzhansky
Modern Telescope Edwin Hubble
Molecular Biology Francis Crick
Molecular Scattering of Light in Fluid Ramanathan
Montessori Method Maria Montessori
Motion of Planets Johannes Kepler
Motion of the Planets Johannes Kepler
Motor Car (Petrol) Karl Butler
Motor Car, Petrol Karl Benz
Motor Scooter Greville Bradshaw
Motorcycle Edward Butler
Movie Projector Thomas Alva Edison
Mozilla Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross

N : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Neon Gas Ramsay, Travers
Neon Lamp Georges Claude
Neurophysiology Charles Sherrington
Neutron Chadwick
Neutrons James Chadwick
New Anatomy andreas Vesalius
New Astronomy Tycho Brahe
New Science Galileo Galilei
Newtonian Mechanics Pierre Simon De Laplace
Newtonian Revolution Isaac Newton
North Pole Robert Peary
Nuclear Fission Otto Hahn, Bohr and Fermi
Nuclear Reactor Enrico Fermi
Nylon Dr. Wallace H. Carothers
Nylon Plastic Carothers

O : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Optical Fibre Narinder Singh Kapany
Organic Chemistry Emil Fischer
Origin of Species Charles Darwin
Oxygen Joseph Priestley
Ozone Christian Schonbein

P : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Pacemaker Dr. Paul Zoll
Paints Shalimar
Paper Cai Lun
Paper Clip Johann Vaaler
Parachute Jean Pierre Blanchard
Parking Meter Carlton Mcgee
Pedal Bicycle Kirkpatrick Macmillan
Pendulum Clock Christian Huygens
Penicillin Alexander Fleming
Periodic Law Mendeleef
Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev
Periodic Table of Elements Dmitri Mendeleev
Pharmacology Gertrude Belle Elion
Phonograph Thomas Edison
Photograph Dauguerre
Photography (on Film) John Carbutt
Photography (on Metal) Joseph Nicéphore Niepce
Photography (on Paper) W. H. Fox Talbot
Photography (Paper) W.H. Fox Tablot
Phototherapy N.R.Finsen
Piano Bartolomeo Cristofori
Plague Vaccine Waldemar Haffkine
Planets Galileo Galilei
Pneumatic Tire Edouard Michelin
Pneumatic Tyres John Boyd Dunlop
Pocket Watch Peter Henlein
Polio Vaccine Jonas Edward Salk
Portland Cement Joseph Aspdin
Positive Electrons anderson
Power Loom Edmund Cartwright
Powerloom Cartwright
Principle for Lever (S.P.Gravity) Archimedes
Printing for the Blind Braille
Printing Press Johannes Gutenberg
Protons Ernest Rutherford
Psycho-Analysis Dr.Sigmund Freud
Psychology of the Unconscious Sigmund Freud

Q : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Quantum Cosmology Stephen Hawking
Quantum Electrodynamics Richard Feynman
Quantum Mechanics Max Born
Quantum theory Werner Heisenberg
Quantum theory of Radiation Max Planck

R : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Raazor (Safety) K.G. Gillete
Rabies Vaccine Louis Pasteur
Radar Dr. Albert H. Taylor & Leo C. Young
Radio Guglielmo Marconi
Radio Transmitter Alexanderson
Radioactive Dating Willard Libby
Radioactivity Henri Becquerel
Radio-Activity of Uranium Henry Becquerel
Radium Marie Curie and Pierre Curie
Railway Engine Stephenson
Raincoat Charles Macintosh
Raman Effect Sir C.V. Raman
Rare Gas Cavandish
Rayon American Viscose Co.
Razor (Electric) Col. J. Schick
Refrigerator James Harrison, Alexander Catlin
Replacing Human Heart Christian Barnard
Revolution in Chemistry Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Revolver Samuel Colt
Revolver Samuel Colt
Richter Scale Charles Richter
Rise of German Science Hermann Von Helmholtz
Rocket Engine Robert H. Goddard
Rubber (Vulcanized) Charles Goodyear
Rubber (Waterproof) Charles Macintosh
Rubella Vaccine Maurice Hilleman

S : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Safety Lamp Sir Humphrey Davy
Safety Match J.E. Lundstrom
Safety Pin William Hunt
Safety Razor King C. Gillette
Salk Vaccine Salk
Saxophone Adolphe Sax
Scientific Astronomy Hippalus
Scientific Thinking Lucretius
Scooter G. Bradshaw
Seismograph Roberts Mallet
Sewing Machine Elias Howe
Sextant Hadley
Ship (Steam) J.C. Perier
Ship (Turbine) Sir Charles Parsons
Ship (Turbine) Charles Parsons
Shorthand Sir Isaac Pitman
Silicones F.S Kipping
Smallpox Vaccine Edward Jenner
Smartphone (Simone) Ibm
Sociobiology Edward O. Wilson
Soft Contact Lenses Otto Wichterle
Solar System Nicolaus Copernicus
South Pole Amundson (1912)
Soviet Genetics Trofim Lysenko
Space Flying Braun, Dr.Wernher Von
Specific Gravity Archimedes
Spectroscope Bunsen
Spectroscopy Gustav Kirchhoff
Spinning Frame Sir Richard Arkwight
Spinning Jenny James Hargreaves
Stainless Steel Harry Brearley
Steam Boat Fulton
Steam Boat John Fitch
Steam Engine James Watt
Steam Engine (Condenser) James Watt
Steam Engine (Piston) Thomas Newcome
Steam Turbine Parsons
Steam-Powered Airship Henri Giffard
Steel Melting Process Bessemer
Steel Production Henry Bessemer
Stethoscope Dr. William Stokes, Rene Laennec
Stress Concept Hans Selye
Structural Anthropology Claude Levi-Strauss
Structure of Atom Ernest Rutherford
Structure of Dna James Watson
Structure of the Atom Ernest Rutherford
Submarine David Bushnell
Sulpha Drugs Domagk
Superconductivity Heike Kamerlingh
Symbiosis theory Lynn Margulis
Symbol (X) William Oughtred
Synthesizer Dr. Robert Arthur Moog

T : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

T.N.T. Llly Brandt
Talkies Lee-De-Frost
Tank Sir Ernest Swington
Telegraph Samuel Morse
Telegraphic Code Samuel Morse
Telephone Sir Alexander Graham Bell
Telescope Galileo
Television John Logie Baird
Television (Mechanical) John Logie Baird
Tempo of Evolution George Gaylord Simpson
Terylene J. Whinfield and H. Dickson
Theory of Conditioned Reflex Pavlov
Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin
Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein
Theory of the Atom John Dalton
Thermo Flask Dewar
Thermodynamics Ludwig Boltzmann
Thermometer Galileo Gallei
Thermos Flasks Dewar
Time Recorder Harlow Bundy
Tractor J. Froelich
Tractor (Caterpillar) Benjamin Holt
Transformer Michael Faraday
Transformer (induction Coil) William Stanley .Jr
Transformer and Electric Motor Michael Faraday
Transistor Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain
Transistors John Bardeen, William Shockley & Walter Brattain
Tungsten Juan José Elhuyar Lubize & Fausto De Elhuyar
Twitter Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, and Biz Stone
Typewriter Peter Mitterhofer

U : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Uranium Fusion Oho Hahn
Uranus (Planet) Herschel William

V : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Vaccination Edward Jenner
Vacuum Cleaner Ives Mcguffey
Valve of Radio Sir J.A. Fleming
Vitamin A Elmer V. Mccollum and M. Davis
Vitamin A Elmer V. Mccollum & M. Davis
Vitamin B Elmer V. Mccollum
Vitamin B1 Casimir Funk
Vitamin B2 D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick
Vitamin B6 Paul Gyorgy
Vitamin C Albert Szent-Györgyi & Charles Glen King
Vitamin D Edward Mellanby
Vitamin E Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop
Vitamin Folic Acid Lucy Wills
Vitamin K Henrik Dam & Edward Adelbert Doisy
Vitamin Niacin Conrad Elvehjem
Vitamin Hopkins and Funk
Vulcanised Rubber Charles Goodyear

W : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Washing Soda Lablanc
Watch A.L. Breguet
Watch (Self Winding) Abraham-Louis Breguet
Waterproof Rubber Charles Macintosh
Wave Mechanics Erwin Schrodinger
Wave theory of Light Christiaan Huygens
Wave/Particle Duality Louis Victor De Broglie
Welder (Electric Welding) Elisha Thompson
West indies Columbus (1492)
Windshield Wipers Mary anderson
Wireless Communication Oliver Lodge
Wireless Telegraphy Marcony
World Wide Web and Hypertext Markup Language Tim Berners Lee

X : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

X – Rays Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
Xerox Machine Chester Carlson
X-Ray Crystallography Max Von Laue

Z : Important Inventions and Discoveries 

Zerox Machine Chester Carlson
Zip Fastener W. L. Judson
Zipper B. F. Goodrich

This is just for information purpose and to avoid curiosity of many competitive examination aspirants. This information is a part of GK Notes. I tried my level best to make it accurate but still if you find anything wrong in this list then you please feel free to notify us. You please just comment in the below comment box, We will do it correct as soon as possible.

Subject Name : General Knowledge
Posts Name : Post Graduate Teacher, College Lecturer, Officer, Office Assistant, Clerk
General Knowledge Books

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  • अकबर के शासनकाल में नवरत्न - GK Tricks (Hindi)General Knowledge » GK Tricks » अकबर के शासनकाल में नवरत्न अकबर के शासनकाल में नवरत्न Nine Gems of Akbary नमस्कार दोस्तो, आजकल लगभग सभी सरकारी एवं गैर-सरकारी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में जनरल नॉलेज संबन्धित सवाल पूछे जाते हैं। हमने यहाँ विभिन्न प्रतियोगी परिक्षाओं में पूछे गए जनरल नॉलेज से जुड़े प्रश्नों के शॉर्ट ट्रिक दिये हैं, जिन्हे आप आसानी से याद कर सकते हैं। जरूर पढ़े : 1000+ GK Tricks (जीके ट्रिक्स) आज की इस ट्रिक में हम आपको अकबर के शासनकाल में नवरत्न के बारे में बताएँगे और इसको याद करने की ट्रिक बताऐंगे। इनके बारे में अक्सर परीक्षा में पूंछा जाता है और हम हमेशा भूल जाते हैं कि कौन अकबर के शासनकाल में नवरत्न थे। इस ट्रिक के माध्यम से आप अकबर के शासनकाल में नवरत्नों को आसानी से याद रख पाऐंगे। GK Trick : "BAT BAT MDH" Explanation :
    Tags: general, knowledge, notes
  • भारत में विभिन्न धर्म - GK Tricks (Hindi)General Knowledge » GK Tricks » भारत में विभिन्न धर्म भारत में विभिन्न धर्म Different Religions in India नमस्कार दोस्तो, आजकल लगभग सभी सरकारी एवं गैर-सरकारी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में जनरल नॉलेज संबन्धित सवाल पूछे जाते हैं। हमने यहाँ विभिन्न प्रतियोगी परिक्षाओं में पूछे गए जनरल नॉलेज से जुड़े प्रश्नों के शॉर्ट ट्रिक दिये हैं, जिन्हे आप आसानी से याद कर सकते हैं। जरूर पढ़े : 1000+ GK Tricks (जीके ट्रिक्स) आज की इस ट्रिक में हम आपको भारत के भारत में विभिन्न धर्म के बारे में बताएँगे और इसको याद करने की ट्रिक बताऐंगे। इनके बारे में अक्सर परीक्षा में पूंछा जाता है और हम हमेशा भूल जाते हैं कि किस धर्म के कितने लोग भारत में रहते हैं । इस ट्रिक के माध्यम से आप भारत में विभिन्न धर्म के नाम आसानी से याद रख पाऐंगे। GK Trick : "हम ईश्वर" Explanation :
    Tags: general, knowledge, notes


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