6. …………….. is not a transducer.
(a) camera tube
(b) microphone
(c) transformer
(d) picture tube
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Let us discuss. 7. Eyes can accommodate the contrast ratio of ………… with ease.
(a) 10:1
(b) 100:1
(c) 1000:1
(d) 10000:1
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Let us discuss. 8. A TV set specified as 50 cm size has the screen whose width is ……… cm.
(a) 30
(b) 40
(c) 50
(d) 60
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Let us discuss. 9. The wavelength of green for TV standards is …………… nm.
(a) 438.5
(b) 546.1
(c) 648.2
(d) 376.9
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