(a) The main page of the website that serves as an index or table of contents for other documents stored at the site (b) The page that is displayed in a readable form (c) The screen saver that appears on the monitor while the PC is on (d) The page displaying information about the various sites on the internet
Answer : (a)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
(a) A place from where we can get information in documents and files (b) A site that is owned by any particular company (c) A location on the World Wide Web (d) A place from where we can access internet
Answer : (c)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Computer Networking » Exercise - 112. What do you need to put your web pages on the WWW ? (a) A connection to the Internet (b) A web Browser (c) A web Server (d) All the above
Internet » Exercise - 114. What is a website ? (a) A place from where we can get information in documents and files (b) A site that is owned by any particular company (c) A location on the World Wide Web (d) A place from where we can access internet