Internet – Exercise – 1

11. Which of the following protocols is used by Internet mail ?

(a) HTTP
(b) TCP/IP
(c) FTP
(d) UTP

Answer : (a)
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12. Some Web pages are divided into independent pages named as :

(a) Excel
(b) Outlook Express
(c) Frames
(d) Sub-page

Answer : (c)
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13. What is a Home page ?

(a) The main page of the website that serves as an index or table of contents for other documents stored at the site
(b) The page that is displayed in a readable form
(c) The screen saver that appears on the monitor while the PC is on
(d) The page displaying information about the various sites on the internet

Answer : (a)
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14. What is a website ?

(a) A place from where we can get information in documents and files
(b) A site that is owned by any particular company
(c) A location on the World Wide Web
(d) A place from where we can access internet

Answer : (c)
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15. Who among the following pays for the internet ?

(a) Google
(b) The Government
(c) Microsoft
(d) Everyone pays for its part

Answer : (d)
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