International Organizations » Exercise - 158. Which organ of the United Nations has ceased to be operational? (a) Economic and Social Council (b) International Court of Justice (c) Trusteeship Council (d) Secretariat
International Organizations » Exercise - 155. Which is principal organ of the United Nations that as virtually accomplished its object? (a) The Security Council (b) The General Assembly (c) The International Court of Justice (d) The Trusteeship Council
Tags: international, organizations, council, trusteeship, justice, court, general, nations, united, organ
International Organizations » Exercise - 111. Which of the following is not a chief organ of the United Nations Organisations? (a) International Labour Organisation (b) Security Council (c) International Court of Justice (d) General Assembly
Tags: international, organizations, general, justice, court, council, nations, united, organ, exercise
International Organizations » Exercise - 138. The United Nations is considered as a universal organisation. Which organ of rhe united nations fully represents the fact? (a) The Economic and Social Council (b) The Security Council (c) The Secretariat (d) The General Assembly
Tags: international, united, nations, council, organizations, economic, general, secretariat, social, organ