Explanation : Many people who tried to test the first parachutes died by jumping from high places. One attempt was a parachute hat, but the inventor broke his neck while testing it. The first successful parachute was tested from a hot air balloon in 1797, in France, by Jacques Garnerin. Let us discuss.
Explanation : As you have noticed in pictures, many Egyptians have head coverings, sometimes with beads in them. The first wigs were created to cover the head from the hot sun. Let us discuss.
Explanation : The scanner reads the bar code label on something at a supermarket, and translates it into a number which the computer reads. Let us discuss.
Explanation : The first lawn mowers were not engine powered. Invented in 1830 by Edwin Budding of England, the mowers were turning blades on wooden sticks used to cut grass. Engine powered mowers were not invented until 1919 by an American Army colonel, who used the motor from a washing machine. Let us discuss.