66. When was the first Lionel trains manufactured?
(a) 1920 (b) 1890 (c) 1901 (d) 1944
Answer : (c)
Explanation : Joshua Lionel Cowen and Harry C. Grant started the Lionel Manufacturing Company on Sept. 5, 1900 in New York City. The first train, which was called the Electric Express, was manufactured in 1901 and was an open gondola propelled by a fan motor. As time has passed, the trains have been made in different colors and styles. Let us discuss.
Explanation : The first elevator was built in the palace of King Louis XV. It only traveled up one floor, and was hand powered by men inside the chimney. Let us discuss.
(a) France (b) United States (c) Philippines (d) England
Answer : (c)
Explanation : The yo-yo was first used by hunters as weapons. They were wooden disks on strings. In the 1920s, a man from the U.S. named Donald Duncan made the yo-yo into a toy after he visited the Philippines. Let us discuss.
70. What inspired reflecting road lights to be invented?
(a) Car door reflecting mirrors (b) The light a cat’s eyes gave off on a fence (c) Sun light on steel posts on road sides (d) The sun light on the windshield
Answer : (b)
Explanation : In 1933, Englishman Percy Shaw was driving home when he saw a cat’s eyes reflecting. He had been headed straight towards a fence with the cat on it, but on the other side was a drop of hundreds of feet. Let us discuss.