131. A comparison between ring and johnson counters indicates that:
(a) a ring counter has fewer flip-flops but requires more decoding circuitry
(b) a ring counter has an inverted feedback path
(c) a johnson counter has more flip-flops but less decoding circuitry
(d) a johnson counter has an inverted feedback path
132. Mod-6 and mod-12 counters are most commonly used in:
(a) frequency counters
(b) multiplexed displays
(c) digital clocks
(d) power consumption meters
133. Assume a 4-bit Johnson counter is initially cleared. After the first clock pulse the output is 0001. After the next clock pulse the output will be ________.
(a) 0011
(b) 0010
(c) 1000
(d) 0110
134. A 4-bit ring counter is loaded with a single 1. The frequency of any given output is ________.
(a) the same as the clock
(b) twice the clock frequency
(c) one-half the clock frequency
(d) one-fourth the clock frequency