26. When a transistor is used as a switch, it is stable in which two distinct regions?
(a) saturation and active
(b) active and cutoff
(c) saturation and cutoff
(d) none of the above
27. A BJT has an IB of 50 A and a DC of 75; IC is:
(a) 375 mA
(b) 37.5 mA
(c) 3.75 mA
(d) 0.375 mA
28. In this circuit DC = 100 and VIN = 8 V. The value of RB that will produce saturation is:
(a) 92 k
(b) 9.1 M
(c) 100 k
(d) 150 k
29. What are the two types of bipolar junction transistors?
(a) npn and pnp
(b) pnn and nnp
(c) ppn and nnp
(d) pts and stp
30. What is the order of doping, from heavily to lightly doped, for each region?
(a) base, collector, emitter
(b) emitter, collector, base
(c) emitter, base, collector
(d) collector, emitter, base
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