21. A transistor data sheet usually identifies DC as
(a) hre.
(b) hFE.
(c) IC.
(d) VCE.
22. The dc load line on a family of collector characteristic curves of a transistor shows the
(a) saturation region.
(b) cutoff region.
(c) active region.
(d) all of the above
23. The value of DC
(a) is fixed for any particular transistor.
(b) varies with temperature.
(c) varies with IC.
(d) varies with temperature and IC.
24. The term BJT is short for
(a) base junction transistor.
(b) binary junction transistor.
(c) both junction transistor.
(d) bipolar junction transistor.
25. For a silicon transistor, when a base-emitter junction is forward-biased, it has a nominal voltage drop of
(a) 0.7 V.
(b) 0.3 V.
(c) 0.2 V.
(d) VCC.
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