BJT – Exercise – 1

46. For what kind of amplifications can the active region of the common-emitter configuration be used?

(a) Voltage
(b) Current
(c) Power
(d) All of the above

Answer : (d)
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47. In the active region, while the collector-base junction is ________-biased, the base-emitter is ________-biased.

(a) forward, forward
(b) forward, reverse
(c) reverse, forward
(d) reverse, reverse

Answer : (c)
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48. Which of the following equipment can check the condition of a transistor?

(a) Current tracer
(b) Digital display meter (DDM)
(c) Ohmmeter (VOM)
(d) All of the above

Answer : (d)
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49. What is the most frequently encountered transistor configuration?

(a) Common-base
(b) Common-collector
(c) Common-emitter
(d) Emitter-collector

Answer : (c)
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50. Which component of the collector current IC is called the leakage current?

(a) Majority
(b) Independent
(c) Minority
(d) None of the above

Answer : (c)
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