59. What does a reading of a large or small resistance in forward- and reverse-biased conditions indicate when checking a transistor using an ohmmeter?
(a) Faulty device (b) Good device (c) Bad ohmmeter (d) None of the above
Answer : (a)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
555555555561. What range of resistor values would you get when checking a transistor for forward- and reverse-biased conditions by an ohmmeter? (a) 100 to a few k, exceeding 100 k (b) Exceeding 100 k, 100 to a few k (c) Exceeding 100 k, exceeding 100 k (d) 100 to a few k, 100 to a few k
555555555549. What is the most frequently encountered transistor configuration? (a) Common-base (b) Common-collector (c) Common-emitter (d) Emitter-collector