Basic Op Amp Circuits – Exercise – 1

41. The ramp voltage at the output of an op-amp integrator

(a) increases or decreases at a linear rate
(b) increases or decreases exponentially
(c) is always increasing and never decreasing
(d) is constant

Answer : (a)
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42. A two-pole high-pass active filter would have a roll-off rate of

(a) 40 dB/decade
(b) –40 dB/decade
(c) 20 dB/decade
(d) –20 dB/decade

Answer : (b)
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43. A triangular-wave oscillator can consist of an op-amp comparator, followed by a(n)

(a) differentiator
(b) amplifier
(c) integrator
(d) multivibrator

Answer : (c)
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44. Initially, the closed-loop gain (Acl) of a Wien-bridge oscillator should be

(a) Acl < 3
(b) Acl > 3
(c) 0
(d) Acl 1

Answer : (b)
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45. A basic series regulator has

(a) an error detector
(b) a load
(c) a reference voltage
(d) both an error detector and a reference voltage

Answer : (d)
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