Basic Op Amp Circuits – Exercise – 1

36. The reference voltage for the comparator in the given circuit equals ______.

(a) 0 V
(b) +8.8 V
(c) +16 V
(d) +7.2 V

Answer : (b)
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37. The rate of change of the output voltage in the given circuit equals ______.

(a) 40 mV/s
(b) 5 V/s
(c) 0 V/s
(d) 40 V/s

Answer : (d)
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38. In the given circuit, VIN1 equals ______.

(a) +4 V
(b) +20 V
(c) –4 V
(d) –20 V

Answer : (c)
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39. In the given circuit, if Rf is reduced to 8 k, the circuit becomes the ______.

(a) digital-to-analog converter
(b) averaging amplifier
(c) scaling adder
(d) summing amplifier with gain greater than unity

Answer : (b)
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40. In an averaging amplifier, the input resistances are

(a) equal to the feedback resistance
(b) less than the feedback resistance
(c) greater than the feedback resistance
(d) unequal

Answer : (c)
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