(a)Collection of electrons, positive and negative ions only (b)Collection of electrons and positive ions only (c)Collection of neutral atoms and molecules only (d)Collection of electrons, positive and negative ions, neutral atoms and molecules
Answer : (d)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Atoms and Electrons » Exercise - 258. When an atom loses one electron : (a) It becomes positive ion (b) It becomes negative ion (c) It becomes neutral (d) It also loses one proton
Atoms and Electrons » Exercise - 252. The kinetic energy of a bounded electron is ........ that of an unbounded electron. (a) Less than (b) Twice than (c) Greater than (d) Same as
Atoms and Electrons » Exercise - 274. The electrons in the third orbit of an atom have ........ energy than the electrons in the second orbit. (a) more (b) less (c) the same (d) none of the above
Atoms and Electrons » Exercise - 268. The electrons in the conduction band are known as ........ (a) bound electrons (b) valence electrons (c) free electrons (d) none of the above