Active and Passive Filters – Exercise – 1

6. A 10 V power supply would use …….. as filter capacitor.

(a) paper capacitor
(b) mica capacitor
(c) electrolytic capacitor
(d) air capacitor

Answer : (c)
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7. A 1000 V power supply would use …….. as a filter capacitor.

(a) paper capacitor
(b) air capacitor
(c) mica capacitor
(d) electrolytic capacitor

Answer : (a)
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8. The …… filter circuit results in the best voltage regulation.

(a) choke input
(b) capacitor input
(c) resistance input
(d) none of the above

Answer : (a)
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9. A low pass filter is one which :

(a) passes all low frequencies
(b) attenuates all high frequencies
(c) passes all frequencies up to cut-off frequency, and attenuates all other frequencies
(d) none of these

Answer : (c)
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10. A high pass filter is one which :

(a) passes all high frequencies
(b) attenuates all low frequencies
(c) attenuates all frequencies below a designated cut-off frequency, and passes all frequencies above cut-off
(d) none of these

Answer : (c)
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