121. An input applied to either input terminal will result in ________.
(a) outputs from both output terminals, which have opposite polarities (b) outputs from both output terminals, which have the same polarities (c) a single output from one of the output terminals (d) None of the above
Answer : (a)
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Operational Amplifier » Exercise - 15. A differential amplifier ........... (a) is a part of an OP-amp (b) has one input and one output (c) has two outputs (d) a and c
5555555555115. The output signal of an op-amp is ________ out of phase with its input signal connected to the inverting input terminal. (a) 0º (b) 90º (c) 180º (d) 270º
555555555526. The differential amplifier has (a) one input and one output. (b) two inputs and two outputs. (c) two inputs and one output. (d) one input and two outputs.