555555555515. In a(n) ________, when the input voltage exceeds a specified reference voltage, the output changes state. (a) integrator (b) differentiator (c) summing amplifier (d) comparator
555555555511. What circuit produces an output that approximates the area under the curve of an input function? (a) integrator (b) differentiator (c) summing amplifier (d) comparator
5555555555204. An op-amp circuit in which the output voltage is equal to the difference between the two input voltages is called a(n) _____ (a) integrator (b) differentiator (c) differential amplifier (d) voltage regulator
5555555555153. A circuit that has an output equal to the algebraic sum of the inputs is called a(n) ______ . (a) integrator amplifier (b) summing amplifier (c) differential amplifier (d) voltage multiplier
Operational Amplifier Fundamentals » Exercise - 5 201. The 555 timer can be connected to operate a(n) ___________. (a) astable multivibrator (b) bistable multivibrator (c) monostable multivibrator (d) astable multivibrator and a monostable multivibrator 202. An oscillator whose frequency can be controlled by an input "control voltage" is called a(n) ______ . (a) PLL (b) Schmitt trigger (c) VCO (d) S-R latch 203. If the input to a comparator is a sine wave, the output is a(n) _________. (a) ramp voltage (b) sine wave (c) sawtooth wave (d) rectangular wave 204. An op-amp circuit in which the output voltage is equal to the difference between the two input voltages is called a(n) _____ (a) integrator (b) differentiator (c) differential amplifier (d) voltage regulator 205. A virtual ground is a(n) ______ ground because this point is at zero volts. (a) ordinary (b) voltage (c) chassis (d) earth