(a) the Q output follows the D input when EN is LOW (b) the Q output is opposite the D input when EN is LOW (c) the Q output follows the D input when EN is HIGH (d) the Q output is HIGH regardless of EN’s input state
Answer : (c)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
555555555583. The common-collector configuration has a ________ input impedance and a ________ output impedance. (a) low, high (b) high, low (c) high, high (d) low, low
555555555594. An emitter-follower has ________ impedance at the input and ________ impedance at the output. (a) high, high (b) low, high (c) high, low (d) low, low
555555555540. A logic circuit whose output is LOW when at least one input is HIGH is a(n) _________ gate. (a) NOR (b) AND (c) NAND (d) exclusive-OR gate