124. An asynchronous binary up counter, made from a series of leading edge-triggered flip-flops, can be changed to a down counter by ________.
(a) taking the output on the other side of the flip-flops ( instead of Q) (b) clocking of each succeeding flip-flop from the other side ( instead of Q) (c) changing the flip-flops to trailing edge triggering (d) all of the above
Answer : (d)
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Counters » Exercise - 1 1. The purpose of introducing feedback loop in digital counter circuit is : (a) To improve distortion (b) To improve stability (c) Synchronise input and output pulses (d) to reduce the number of input pulses to reset the counter 2. The circuit shown below is a : (a) Mod-4 counter (b) Mod-5 counter (c) Mod-6 counter (d) Mod-7 counter 3. In this type of counter, the output of the last stage is connected to the D input of the first stage. (a) Ring Counter (b) Johnson Counter (c) Straight Counter (d) None of the above 4. A counter is a : (a) Sequential circuit (b) Combinational circuit (c) Both combinational and sequential circuit (d) None of above 5. A counter with 10 states : (a) Cascading asynchronous counter (b) Decade counter (c) Asynchronous ripple counter (d) Ripple counter 6. In this type of counter, the complement of the output of the last stage of the shift register is fed back to the D input of the first state. (a) Ring Counter (b) Johnson Counter (c) Straight Counter (d) None of the above 7. It is a sequential circuit that cycles through a sequence of states : (a) Multiplexer (b) Demultiplexer (c) Counter…