53. The Manhattan Project was started by President Roosevelt in 1942 to ensure that the U.S. beat the Germans in developing a nuclear bomb. Whom did Roosevelt appoint as scientific head the Manhattan Project?
(a) Robert Oppenheimer (b) James B. Conant (c) Leslie R. Groves (d) Vannevar Bush
Answer : (a)
Explanation : Leslie R. Groves, however, was the military head of the project and the overall supremo, while Robert Oppenheimer was the scientific director. The world’s first atomic bomb was exploded in the New Mexico desert on July 16, 1945. Let us discuss.
55. This African-American woman physical therapist worked with soldiers disabled in World War II. She invented a device that helped the disabled to eat by delivering food through a tube to a mouthpiece.
(a) Bessie Blount (b) Marjorie Joyner (c) Mae Jamison (d) Beulah Henry
Answer : (a)
Explanation : Unfortunately Blount could never get anyone to buy her invention. Finally, in 1952 she sold the rights to the French government. Let us discuss.