Semiconductor Materials – Exercise – 3

Semiconductor Materials » Exercise – 3

101. The material whose Hall effect is found to be zero is :

(a) Conductor
(b) Insulator
(c) Extrinsic semiconductor
(d) Intrinsic semiconductor

Answer : (d)
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102. Widely used semiconductors such as silicon, germanium are placed in …….. .

(a) First column
(b) Second column
(c) Third column
(d) Fourth column

Answer : (d)
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103. The resistivity of pure silicon decreases :

(a) With decrease in temperature
(b) With increase in temperature
(c) With constant temperature
(d) None of these

Answer : (b)
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104. If an excess carrier is injected into semiconductor :

(a) They diffuse away from the point of injection
(b) They concentrate at the point of injection
(c) They randomly move but centered at the point of injection
(d) They uniformly distribute themselves

Answer : (a)
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105. Consider the statements : Statement I : Fermi level is slightly lowered by adding the donor impurity. Statement II : Fermi level is the maximum energy that any electron can have at room temperature. Which of the following is correct ?

(a) Statement I
(b) Statement II
(c) Both statements I & II
(d) Either statement I or II

Answer : (d)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
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