111. In which decade were the first successful diode and triode vacuum tubes invented?
(a) 1800s (b) 1880s (c) 1890s (d) 1900s
Answer : (d)
Explanation : In 1904, John Ambrose Fleming invented the first practical electron tube called the ‘Fleming Valve’, which is a diode rectifier. In 1906, Lee de Forest invented the audion later called the triode, which provided signal amplification. Let us discuss.
Explanation : Alexander Graham Bell’s notebook entry of 10 March 1876 describes his successful experiment with the telephone. Speaking through the instrument to his assistant, Thomas A. Watson, in the next room, Bell utters these famous first words, “Mr. Watson — come here — I want to see you”. Let us discuss.
113. In which decade was the Internet first implemented?
(a) 1940s (b) 1950s (c) 1960s (d) 1980s
Answer : (c)
Explanation : The first message ever sent over what is now called the Internet took place at 10:30PM on October 29, 1969. Back then, the Department of Defense called it ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency network). Let us discuss.
114. In which decade was the first solid state integrated circuit demonstrated?
(a) 1950s (b) 1960s (c) 1970s (d) 1980s
Answer : (a)
Explanation : On September 12, 1958, Jack Kilby demonstrated the first working IC while working for Texas Instruments, although the U.S. patent office awarded the first patent for an integrated circuit to Robert Noyce of Fairchild. Let us discuss.
Explanation : On December 23, 1947, William Shockley, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen, of Bell Labs, announced their discovery of the point-contact germanium transistor to management. Let us discuss.
5555555555137. How can you catch a computer virus? (a) Sending e-mail messages (b) Using a laptop during the winter (c) Opening e-mail attachments (d) Shopping online
5555555555110. The Central Processing Unit is an embeded chip that acts as the 'brains' of a computer. What Intel chip was used in the Altair (the first real personal computer)? (a) 6502 (b) 8080 (c) 6400 (d) 8286
555555555592. What is the World Wide Web? (a) A computer game (b) A software program (c) The part of the Internet that enables information-sharing via interconnected pages (d) Another name for the Internet