Transmission Characteristics of Optical Fiber – Exercise – 1

Transmission Characteristics of Optical Fiber » Exercise – 1

1. LEDs are used as light sources in :

(a) single mode fibers only
(b) multimode fibers only
(c) both single mode and multimode fibers
(d) none of the above

Answer : (b)
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2. The loss in signal power as light travels down a fiber is called :

(a) dispersion
(b) scattering
(c) absorption
(d) attenuation

Answer : (d)
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3. Dispersion is used to describe the :

(a) splitting of white light into its component colors
(b) propagation of light in straight lines
(c) bending of a beam of light when it goes from one medium to another
(d) bending of a beam light when it strikes a mirror

Answer : (a)
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4. Which of the following is used as an optical transmitter on the Fiber Optical Communications ?

(a) APD
(b) LSA diode
(c) PIN diode
(d) LED

Answer : (d)
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5. What type of fiber has the highest modal dispersion ?

(a) step-index multimode
(b) graded index multimode
(c) step-index single mode
(d) graded index mode

Answer : (a)
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