76. In a transistor if β= 100 and collector current is 10 mA, then IE is ……..
(a) 100 mA
(b) 100.1 mA
(c) 110 mA
(d) none of the above
77. The relation between β and Ω is …………
(a) β=1/(1-α)
(b) β=(1-α)/α
(c) β=α/(1-α)
(d) beta;=alpha;/(1+alpha;)
78. The value of β for a transistor is generally ……..
(a) 1
(b) less than 1
(c) between 20 and 500
(d) above 500
79. The most commonly used transistor arrangement is …….. arrangement.
(a) common emitter
(b) common base
(c) common collector
(d) none of the above
80. The input impedance of a transistor connected in ………. arrangement is the highest.
(a) common emitter
(b) common collector
(c) common base
(d) none of the above
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