6. Wave excitation of a stepper motor results in :
(a) microstepping
(b) half-stepping
(c) increased step angle
(d) reduced resolution
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Let us discuss. 7. A stepper motor having a resolution of 300 steps/rev and running at 2400 rpm has a pulse rate of— pps.
(a) 4000
(b) 8000
(c) 6000
(d) 10,000
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Let us discuss. 8. The torque exerted by the rotor magnetic field of a PM stepping motor with unexcited stator is called ………………torque.
(a) reluctance
(b) detent
(c) holding
(d) either (b) or (c)
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Let us discuss. 9. A variable reluctance stepper motor is constructed of ……………… material with salient poles.
(a) paramagnetic
(b) ferromagnetic
(c) diamagnetic
(d) non-magnetic
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Let us discuss. 10. The rotor of a stepper motor has no :
(a) windings
(b) commutator
(c) brushes
(d) all of the above
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Let us discuss. Related Posts Stepper Motors » Exercise - 15. The rotor of a stepper motor has no : (a) windings (b) commutator (c) brushes (d) all of the above Tags: stepper, motors, exercise, rotor, motor, windings, commutator, brushes, electrical, engineering
Stepper Motors » Exercise - 1 10. The rotor of a stepper motor has no : (a) windings (b) commutator (c) brushes (d) all of the above Tags: stepper, motors, exercise, rotor, motor, windings, commutator, brushes, electrical, engineering
Stepper Motors » Exercise - 14. A stepper motor may be considered as a .................. converter. (a) dc to dc (b) ac to ac (c) dc to ac (d) digital-to-analogue Tags: dc, stepper, ac, motors, exercise, motor, electrical, engineering
Stepper Motors » Exercise - 18. The torque exerted by the rotor magnetic field of a PM stepping motor with unexcited stator is called ..................torque. (a) reluctance (b) detent (c) holding (d) either (b) or (c) Tags: stepper, motors, reluctance, stator, stepping, motor, rotor, exercise, electrical, engineering
Stepper Motors » Exercise - 16. Wave excitation of a stepper motor results in : (a) microstepping (b) half-stepping (c) increased step angle (d) reduced resolution Tags: stepper, motors, exercise, motor, step, resolution, electrical, engineering