31. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Asspersion
(b) Voluptuous
(c) Voguei
(d) Equestrain
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Let us discuss.32. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Swelte
(b) Filpant
(c) Licentious
(d) Puessile
Explanation : No answer description available for this question.
Let us discuss.33. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Judicious
(b) Cancious
(c) Dilicous
(d) Gracous
Explanation : No answer description available for this question.
Let us discuss.34. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Exterminatte
(b) Inexpliccable
(c) Offspring
(d) Reffere
Explanation : No answer description available for this question.
Let us discuss.35. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Furnituer
(b) Exampel
(c) Medicine
(d) Sampal
Explanation : No answer description available for this question.
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