46. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Entrapreneur
(c) Entrepraneur
(d) Enterprenuer
Explanation : Entrepreneur – one who undertakes and assumes the risk of a business enterprise.
Let us discuss.47. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Vetarinary
(b) Veteninary
(c) Vetinary
(d) Veterinary
Explanation : Veterinary – pertaining to the medical treatment of animals
Let us discuss.48. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Treachrous
(b) Trecherous
(c) Trechearous
(d) Treacherous
Explanation : Treacherous means guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.
Let us discuss.49. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Acommodation
(b) Accomodaton
(c) Accommodation
(d) Acomodation
Explanation : Accommodation is used to refer to buildings or rooms where people live or stay.
Let us discuss.50. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Inoculation
(b) Innoculation
(c) Inocculation
(d) Inocullation
Explanation : No answer description available for this question.
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