Sentence Improvement – Exercise – 2

66. If you are not clear about the meaning of a word, it is wise to look to a dictionary.

(a) look for
(b) look at
(c) look up
(d) No improvement

Answer : (c)
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67. Practically every part of the banana tree is used by man.

(a) each part
(b) any part
(c) most part
(d) No improvement

Answer : (d)
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68. Please remind me of posting these letters to my relatives.

(a) by posting
(b) to post
(c) for posting
(d) No improvement

Answer : (b)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
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69. Whenever my students come across new words, I ask them to look for them in the dictionary.

(a) to look it up
(b) to look them up
(c) to look at them
(d) No improvement

Answer : (b)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Discuss : Write your answer. Click here.

70. If you are living near a market place you should be ready to bear the disturbances caused by traffic.

(a) to bear upon
(b) to bear with
(c) to bear away
(d) No improvement

Answer : (b)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Discuss : Write your answer. Click here.

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