16. The logic of Berlin wall already had been undermined but when the news came through that the wall itself had been opened I jumped into a car.
(a) had been undetermined already
(b) had already been undetermined
(c) had been already undetermined
(d) No improvement
17. He died in the year 1960 at 11pm on 14 July.
(a) on 14 July in the year 1960 at 11pm
(b) in the year 1960 on 14 July at 11pm
(c) at 11pm on 14 July in the year 1960
(d) No improvement
18. You have come here with a view to insult me.
(a) to insulting me
(b) of insulting me
(c) for insulting me
(d) No improvement
19. This matter admits of no excuse.
(a) admits to
(b) admits from
(c) admits
(d) No improvement
20. During his long discourse, he did not touch that point.
(a) touch upon
(b) touch on
(c) touch of
(d) No improvement
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