61. S1: As he passed beneath her he heard the swish of her wings.
P: He was not falling head long now.
Q: The monstrous terror seized him.
R: But it only lasted a minute.
S: He could hear nothing.
S6: The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards.
The Proper sequence should be:
(a) PSQR
(b) QSPR
(c) QSRP
(d) PRQS
62. S1: Venice is a strange and beautiful city in the north of Italy.
P: There are about four hundred old stone bridges joining the island of Venice.
Q: In this city there are no motor cars, no horses, no buses.
R: These small islands are near one another.
S: It is not an island but a hundred and seventeen islands.
S6: This is because Venice has no streets.
The Proper sequence should be:
(a) PQRS
(b) PRQS
(c) SRPQ
(d) PQSR
63. S1: Sun birds are among the smallest of Indian birds.
P: Though they are functionally similar to the humming birds of the New World, they are totally unrelated.
Q: They do eat insects too.
R: They are also some of the most brilliantly coloured birds.
S: sun birds feed on nectar mostly and helped in pollination.
S6: Our common sun birds are the purple sun bird, the glossy black species and purple rumped sun bird, the yellow and maroon species.
The Proper sequence should be:
(a) SQPR
(b) RPSQ
(c) QPRS
(d) PSRQ
64. S1: Far away in a little street there is a poor house.
P: Her face is thin and worn and her hands are coarse, pricked by a needle, for she is a seam stress.
Q: One of the windows is open and through it I can see a poor woman.
R: He has a fever and asking for oranges.
S: In a bed in a corner of the room her little boy is lying ill.
S6: His mother has nothing to give but water, so he is crying.
The Proper sequence should be:
(a) SRQP
(b) PQSR
(c) QPSR
(d) RSPQ
65. S1: The dictionary is the best friend of you task.
P: That may not be possible always.
Q: It is wise to look it up immediately.
R: Then it must be firmly written on the memory and traced at the first opportunity.
S: Never allow a strange word to pass unchallenged.
S6: soon you will realize that this is an exciting task.
The Proper sequence should be:
(a) PQRS
(b) SPQR
(c) QRPS
(d) SQPR
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