65. S1: The dictionary is the best friend of you task. P: That may not be possible always. Q: It is wise to look it up immediately. R: Then it must be firmly written on the memory and traced at the first opportunity. S: Never allow a strange word to pass unchallenged. S6: soon you will realize that this is an exciting task.
The Proper sequence should be:
(a) PQRS (b) SPQR (c) QRPS (d) SQPR
Answer : (d)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
5555555555 69. Whenever my students come across new words, I ask them to look for them in the dictionary. (a) to look it up (b) to look them up (c) to look at them (d) No improvement
5555555555 66. If you are not clear about the meaning of a word, it is wise to look to a dictionary. (a) look for (b) look at (c) look up (d) No improvement
Tags: sentence, word, wise, dictionary, general, english